Architectural Identities of the Berengaria Project

Curation: Yianna Tsolaki

Architectural Identities, of the Berengaria Project is presenting at Artos Foundation in Nicosia.

Berengaria de Navarre, virtuous but plain, subjected BUT defiant”.

Berengaria de Navarre – “the Humble Queen of England” as she signed herself, never set foot in the country she was crowned Queen of nor spoke the language, the marks of her crown still impressed on her skull..

An oddity how her legacy has affected concept, myth, history and architecture from her brief passing through Cyprus 800 years ago, where she wed her Kind, Richard the Lionheart after he conquered the island in an accidental anomaly in 1191.

An anxious tale invites the audience to immerse themselves into this visual and sensory formation of the Berengaria Project.

Fantasy and reality interlink simultaneously almost as if in perfect rhythm. A perception of fostered ideas can strike us as familiar and comforting; we go so far as in finding ourselves almost experiencing this pain of desertion, subjection and defiance to what is rightfully ours.

Upon closer inspection the mystical, mythical appearances are eliminated and their place taken by a darkened reality. Dismantle an idol; a disturbing hostility of an underlying patina scars the eyes. 

Focusing on multiple perspectives of the Berengaria narrative our findings led us in questioning HOW we relate to our history and heritage?

IS the ‘Berengaria effect’ a case of our historic or cultural heritage of identities and fundamental elements within our local and living environment? OR does it emanate rather from a dysfunctional reference of conflict heritage?

Has THIS aspect of our heritage ever deeply concerned us at all?

The Architectural Identities of the project focus on how architectural and spatial composition or a form without authority initially transforms into point,  evolves into a recognizable shape, upon familiarizing of this form or structure builds a relationship by engaging with it, is inspired and