
Having amassed a volume of heritage references around localities and traditions, in an industry of entrepreneurial start-ups and business development strategies, my journey has evolved into a contradictory and devotional one.

Meaningful design, or implementing various fundamental factors into the supposedly tried and tested formulae of customer loyalty and business, is no longer limited to meeting a simple or complex need by “delivering.” We are called to create in a world of shifting parameters and urgencies, and I often wonder: has time perhaps brought an evolution of our species into needs and wants that are beyond the comprehension of the world of business? And doesn’t this new era demand a closer distilling of surfacing needs, a way to extract just that minute information that will enable the entrepreneurial innovator to tap into the stream?

This has become apparent in my work in recent years, reconnecting with our heritage without sidelining the complexities of markets, but rather enriching them.

Join me in this effort.